Saturday, January 28, 2012

Not off to a good start

Well, it's been an eventful month, except in the keeping the resolution to post a photo a week.  Failed miserably on that one.  Posting 3 now seems like writing a daily reflection journal in one sitting on the evening before it is due. I don't offer these in that spirit, simply as a way of saying I have been doing some photography in the midst of things like walking the dogs, going on retreat, and announcing my retirement effective July 1!  That last one is especially exhilarating. I'm looking forward to having a blank canvass on which to create what comes next in my life.

All the photos below were created with my iPhone and processed with various apps.  Some were done with Camera+, a nifty little camera app.  Others just straight.  Enjoy.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Well, certainly failed on 2011 Resolution

While I did make a couple of dishes, I didn't learn to cook in the Vietnamese/Thai palette during the past year.

I also notice that I failed miserably at blogging. Hat's off to all my blogging friends that do blog.

I've noticed a number of photo friends who are undertaking a 365 project (or in this year a 366 project)--Post a new photo a day for a year!  I'd love to take that on, and probably will someday, but until then I'm making myself a 52 Project Challenge:  Take and post one photo per week for 2012.

So to start things off, here's a new photo taken just yesterday. Yes, the sky in South Texas is gorgeous right now, and the light is incredible with almost the texture of New Mexican light.  Enjoy.